Advent Wreath Making and Advent Activities for all! Guild Hall 2:00PM-4:00PM.
Morning Prayer each day in the Cathedral Chapel: 6:00AM-6:30AM.
Special Advent Candlelight Vespers on Sunday evenings from 5:30PM-6:00PM
2 Monday
Advent Reflection Group: Parishioners are invited to come to St. Peter's on Monday morning during Advent to reflect and share together following the 7:00AM Morning Mass. Reflections will be centered on Sacred Scripture, the Church Fathers, and other theological writing about the Incarnation.
3 Tuesday
Make Something Beautiful for Our Lady: Participate in the Cathedral Immaculate Conception Art Exhibit. All ages and skill levels ae invited to submit works of art depicting Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception to the Pastoral Offices throughout the week. Works will be displayed in the Cathedral beginning on December 8.
4 Wednesday (Memorial of Saint John Damascene)
Assist the Poor:Perhaps clearing out some warm winter clothing you don't use or extra foo in the pantry could simplify your life and assist another person who is in need. Sacred Heart/Saint Dominic food pantry and Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen are always in need of donations and support. To learn more, call:
Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen: (207) 772-1113
Set up a Nativity: The custom of displaying a scene of the nativity dates back at least to Christmas Eve of 1223 and Saint Francis of Assisi. The chapel in the small Italian town of Greccio was too small to hold the congregation for Midnight Mass, so the whole town went outside for Mass. Saint Francis prepared a manger, hay, animals, and brought the scene of the nativity to life.
6 Friday
Visit the Sick, Lonely, or Forgotten: In the Gospel passages at daily Mass this week, we hear about Jesus's compassion and concern for those who are sick, suffering, and abandoned. Jesus wants to bring healing and forgiveness into the lives of his people through our efforts. Sometimes that means that we have to extend ourselves beyond the normal routines of life. Who can you go out of your way to visit with a word of encouragement and faith today.
7 Saturday (Memorial of Saint Ambrose)
Pray for our Kids: This morning we're having an important retreat for children in year 1 of their sacramental preparation. Please pray for these young ones and those gathering for a retreat on the 14th: that this Advent season will be spiritually fruitful for them and for their families as they prepare for the sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Embark on an Advent Expedition: Visit Peaks Island for an open house hosted by Saint Christopher's Church "From All Around the World: The Joy of the Creches" 1:00PM-4:00PM.
Second Week of Advent
8 Second Sunday of Advent
Candlelight Vespers:Sung Vespers is an ancient tradition of the Church that incorporates chanting the Psalms and prayers that follow the different times and seasons of the liturgical year. The Cathedral hosts sung Vespers every Sunday evening at 5:30PM, followed by a teaching on the Catholic faith from 6PM-6:30PM.
Also, the Immaculate Conception Art Exhibit begins today.
9 Monday (+Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Attend Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation: Parish Mass Times:
7AM Saint Peters
8AM Cathedral (Latin)
12:15PM Cathedral
6PM Sacred Heart/Saint Dominic
6PM Cathedral
6:30PM Saint Christopher's
7:30PM Cathedral
10 Tuesday
Pray for Pregnant Women and Mothers: As we reflect on Mary's pregnancy and the challenges that she faced as a young mother, our hearts reach out to all pregnant and young mothers, especially those who face trials. May holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for them and keep them safe.
11 Wednesday
Pray with the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday evenings we have a Eucharistic Holy Hour in the Cathedral Chapel from 6PM until 7:30PM. Confessions are available throughout, and the evening ends with night prayer and Solemn Benediction. We look at so many tedious and worldly things throughout the day. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament gives us the opportunity to fix our eyes on Christ.
12 Thursday (Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Las Mananitas and Mass: All are invited to join Spanish speaking parishioners for beautiful traditions honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe this year!
5AM Sacred Heart / Saint Dominic Church: Las Mananitas songs and prayers for Our Lady with Bishop Ruggieri, followed by a parish social.
6:30PM Spanish Mass for Our Lady.
13 Friday (Memorial of Saint Lucy)
Dinner, Lessons, and Carols: 6PM: Dinner for all parishioners at Guild Hall
7PM: Lessons and Carols at the Cathedral with Bishop James Ruggieri and the Cathedral Choir. Lessons and Carols is an Advent tradition that dates back to the end of the 19th century and consists in a series of readings and carols reflecting on the fall of humanity and promise of a Messiah. These "lessons" nurture in us an excitement and anticipation about the coming celebration of Christ's birth.
14 Saturday (Memorial of Saint John of the Cross)
Pizza and Christmas 5PM-7:30PM: Carolers will gather at the Cathedral Guild Hall for pizza and to get organized before heading out at about 5:45 to bring the sound of Christmas to the neighborhood around the Cathedral and Old Port. Bring your friends and warm Christmas cheer clothing and hats (Santa hats, antlers, bells, etc.). Song booklets will be provided for everyone.
Third Week of Advent
15 Third Sunday of Advent
Wassail! Gaudete, Rejoice! On this third Sunday of Advent, we joyfully anticipate the final days of preparation for Christmas, which is right around the corner! Join parishioners on Peaks Island for the annual wassailing tradition at 4PM. After serenading the island, carolers will descend on the parish hall for a reception. Donations of items for babies of families in need will also be collected.
On the Mainland:
9AM-1PM: Saint Louis Cookie Sale and Quilt Raffle. Saint Louis Church Hall.
Cathedral Giving Tree Set Up - Volunteers needed at the Cathedral at 11AM
16 Monday
Go to Confession! Confessions will be heard from 6PM-7PM at the Cathedral Chapel during "The Light is On For You" week in addition to the normal confession schedule:
Mon-Fri: Cathedral - 11AM-12PM
Saturday: Cathedral - 2PM-3:30PM; Saint Peter's 4PM-5PM
Sunday: Cathedral 6:30-7:15PM
17 Tuesday
Christmas Tree Decorating and Blessing: As we come to the final days of Advent, if you haven't done it already, now is a good time to set up and decorate your Christmas tree! When you've finished, look for the special Christmas tree blessing in the Magnificat Advent Companion on Page 30. You can also easily find a Catholic Christmas tree blessing online.
18 Wednesday
Lectio Divina: "Lectio Divina," or sacred reading, is the way that we learn to read with a heart that is open and responsive to the sacred Word, Jesus Christ, who desires to make his dwelling in us. There are four steps to letting the word bear fruit in us as prayer: lectio meditatio, contemplatio, oratio. Read, meditate, and reflect, then let the Spirit move you to prayer.
19 Thursday
Pray for the Imprisoned: Jesus Christ has come to liberate a world held captive by sin and death. Advent is a good time to pray for those who live in captivity. Choose a psalm to pray today to lift up all those who are incarcerated. if you have an extra moment, sing a hymn in prayer for those who might be losing hope, they they might come to know mercy and freedom in Christ.
20 Friday
Pray for Peace: So many areas of the world are torn apart by violence and bloodshed. In a particular way this year we pray for peace in the Holy Land and in Ukraine. May the gentle presence of the Christ child draw near to our world and bring us his peace.
21 Saturday
Pray the Rosary for our Community: On this final Saturday before Christmas, it is a good time to pray the rosary on the day traditionally dedicated to Our Lady. We invite you to pray in a particular way for all those who live on the Portland Peninsula and Islands. To pray that Our Lady would intercede for us all that we would be drawn closer to her Son, his Church, and his Sacraments during this Christmas Season and in the year to come.
Fourth Week of Advent
22 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Prepare the Way of the Lord: Following the last Masses on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we can begin to decorate most of our churches for Christmas. If you would like to assist at the Cathedral, you can come to set up the beautiful nativity today, Dec. 22, 2024, at 1PM, or with helping place poinsettias and wreaths after the 12:15PM Mass on Monday, Dec. 23. Thank you to all who help to make our churches look so beautiful during this holy season.
23 Monday
Silence: "Our greatest need is to be silent before this great God with the appetite and with the tongue, for the only language he hears is the silent language of love." - Saint John of the Cross
Cardinal Sarah put it succinctly: "The language of God is silence." After all the efforts to pull everything together and prepare for our celebration of Christ's birth, how important to make sure we take a break from the noise and listen.