On page 6 of this weekend’s bulletin you will find a summary of the finances of our parishes for the July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 fiscal year. With all the adjusting and settling in over these last months, this report is coming out later than I would like and is narrowly focused on the “bottom line” – so to speak, but I think it is important for parishioners to have a sense of how our parishes have been financially faring through the pandemic.
The good news is that, even if you take out the PPP grants and a few large gifts that were received over the course of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the offertory giving of our parishioners combined with rental income was enough to sustain us through some very challenging times. It is so encouraging to see the way that everyone has chipped in to help get through this crazy time together – not just monetarily, but with all the time and attention that many of you gave so generously. I am very grateful to Deacon Luis for pulling this financial data together, and for his tireless work to ensure that our parishes are good stewards of the earthly resources entrusted to their care.
Offertory giving has held quite strong this fall and winter, and our parishes have also been quite generous in contributing to the needs of the local food pantries, Catholic charities, and the diocesan appeal, among so many other important causes. Expenses are going up a bit as we resume some of the important activities and ministries of the parish, and inflation is also driving up costs in some areas. As we begin this new year, I have upped my own monthly online contribution to help keep up with inflation, and certainly encourage you to do the same. It is important for us to be able to come out of this pandemic on a strong financial footing so that we can make the kinds of ministerial and infrastructure investments that are needed to keep our parishes strong and vibrant.
Slowly we are bringing liturgical ministries back and expanding them, with all the training and scheduling that is entailed. Faith formation activities continue to increase, with active groups of Middle School students and young adults forming in just the last few months, and other initiatives in the planning stages for this spring and summer. I have been talking with parishioners and staff about various kinds of outreach, parish gatherings and other celebrations we hope to get off the ground soon to strengthen and build community. We are making investments in our infrastructure on every campus: confessionals, lighting, phone systems, sound systems, heating systems, decks and bricks – you name it. And in the mist of all of this, the heartbeat of our Sunday Masses and daily sacramental and ministerial life of our parishes must continue.
To have come through these last two years and be as strong as we are signals to me that we have a resilient Catholic community that is alive in the Holy Spirit and capable of many good things in the years ahead. Thank you for all you give to our parishes – your financial support, your time volunteering and helping in so many areas, and your prayerful support and concern. Know of my prayers for you and your families!